Please help with opening a port??

Hello all,
I need assistance...
I need to open a port # 36677 and have it remain open even after a power cycle.

I thought all I needed to do was add it to /etc/services. That was not it...

Can someone please tell me how to do this.

Thank you.

afaik pmadm command to do that. Just go through man pages of that command..

It is solaris 5.9, does that make a difference?

I haven't tried yet.. I've read in sun documentation.. afaik .. There are two types of port numbers one is well defined (universal numbers ) another one is dynamic.. but i dont remember exactly.. plz go through sun doucumentation...

Im not sure if you will need to make any changes to the entries in the /etc/ipf/ipf.conf file ??:confused: Let me know when you get the answer :slight_smile: Thx!

I have no /etc/ipf/ipf.conf file ??

I am sure I am way over thinking this. There is a port and it needs to be opened (listening)

I have done it before, on this box even but it has been years and I can't damn remember, because it is only one of 3 solaris boxes I manage and normally do nothing to them. lol

check the service from this file /etc/inetd.conf

inetd will spawn ports if it's configured to do so; and server processes
will always be listening on a given port.