Please help I want script to check filename, size and date in specify path.

Please help, I want script to check filename, size and date in specify path.

I want output as:

fileA,filesize,yyyy mm dd HH:MM
fileA,filesize,yyyy mm dd HH:MM
fileA,filesize,yyyy mm dd HH:MM
fileA,filesize,yyyy mm dd HH:MM

and when I repeat this script, it should check only new file that new in log (skip already log in file)

Please I need help.

First, see man comm. comm can tell you what is new and what is missing, from unique sorted lists.

The header can be a presentation artifact, and the data is easy to make from ls and the like. 'find' can find all the current files. 'sort -u' can sort unique. You can pipe it all together. I suppose that is mod date/time. It might be simplest to use some variation of ls output, like ls --full-time for the LINUX ls. You might want to know if someone has been fingering permissions, too. Else, you need some work to normalize the mod time, or a different source. Easy to do in C with stat(), and PERL.