Play sound file, pause for 30 seconds

Could someone help me. I need a bash script to play a short sound file, wait for 30 seconds, play another sound file, wait for another 30 seconds.

(I will use it as a reminder to spend 30 seconds on each quadrant of my teeth when using a electric toothbrush.)

This is what I have so far.


mpg123 /usr/share/sounds/My_Sounds/Alarm_Clock_Sound.mp3
mpg123 /usr/share/sounds/My_Sounds/Alarm-sound-buzzer.mp3

@cyclist ,

something along

for mp3 in file-list
   mpg123 "$mp3"
   sleep 30

if passing on the command line ....

for mp3 in "$@"
   mpg123 "$mp3"
   sleep 30

Is file-list a text file with the names of the .mp3 I need to play?

I am rusty.

@cyclist , you should do a simple online search for this, rusty or otherwise, it'll help remove some of the rust.

while IFS= read -r mp3
   mpg123 "$mp3"
done < inputFile


I do searches and consult a text file that I made that contains Tips and Tricks for Ubuntu Mate.

I am not perfect.

I have memory problems. Old age does have some negatives.

I will try out your answer.

You'll obviously need to add the sleep to that !