Pivoting with awk

My input file(inputfile.txt):

Job name.... EXTDPL_1
Created on.. 2018-11-19 14:00:00
Modified on. 2018-11-22 11:54:46

Job name.... EXTDPL_2
Created on.. 2018-11-21 12:31:27

Modified on. 2018-11-21 12:35:28

2 records listed.

expected output:

Job name	Created on				Modified on
EXTDPL_1	2018-11-19 14:00:00		2018-11-22 11:54:46
EXTDPL_2	2018-11-21 12:31:27		2018-11-21 12:35:28

my script:

awk '/^Job name|^Created on|^Modified on/ {print $3,$4}' inputfile.txt | awk 'ORS=NR%3?FS:RS' | awk '{printf "%-40s%-11s%-12s%-11s%-12s\n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5}'

would like to know above three awks can be clubbed into one ?

How aboutawk '

awk '
NR == 1         {printf "%-40s%-23s%-23s\n", "Job name", "Created on", "Modified on"
/^Job name/     {printf "%-40s", $3
/^Created on/   {printf "%-11s%-12s", $3,$4
/^Modified on/  {printf "%-11s%-12s\n", $3,$4
' file
Job name                                Created on             Modified on            
EXTDPL_1                                2018-11-19 14:00:00    2018-11-22 11:54:46    
EXTDPL_2                                2018-11-21 12:31:27    2018-11-21 12:35:28    
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Hi Rudic, thanks for reply. one question.
how to stop printing header if there are no 'Job name/Created on/Modified on' match..

Move that line to the first real printout, adding a condition.