piping to 'open' command!


One command generates a file path, which I then want to open in finder. The slow way is this with C&P:

$bundle show jquery-validator
$open /Users/peter/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p136/gems/jquery-validator-0.3.0

I would like to use pipe, but the only way in the docs is the -f flag, which instead puts the path in to a /tmp text file, and opens the text file.

Thoughts? Thanks!

I don't know about command called "show" or "open". But if I understand your question here is the same thing using "expr" and "echo"...

$ expr 1 + 1
$ echo 2
$ expr 1 + 1 | xargs echo

I am at a loss, java plugins for html in shell. You can run anything and pipe the output on stdout to stdin of the next command. What that achieves depends on the two commands.

Perderabo: beautiful!! This does the trick. Thank you much!!

bundle show jquery-validator | xargs open

DGPickett: not sure what's got you all upset. I for one am not seeing any html in my shell.. (and as I mentioned, pipe doesn't do what's desired).

Just confused, not familar with bundle or open! I recommend "xargs -n999", as without -n, xargs will run open for 0 lines.