piping from C to python in UNIX


I'm trying to wrap my head around piping in C - I've got a small C program that forks and pipes stuff from the child process to the parent process.

Currently the child process calls a C program that squirts out random numbers which then pipes the result to the parent process.

The parent process reads the pipe and simply prints the random number.

What I would like to do is then use this piped integer in a python program.

So firstly I think I have to include the python library within the C program.

#include <python2.4/Python.h>

then call python with:


But when I call this the gcc compiler gives me the error:
undefined reference to 'Py_Initialize'

So I'm guessing that the header file I'm using is incorrect..?

the python version I'm using is:

Python 2.4.3 \(\#1, Jun 13 2006, 16:41:18\)
