pipes + structs


got a small problem here. im trying to pipe eg: 'ls | more'.
i have created a command line parser which separates ls and more into two commands. i have also created a struct, each struct has a command name, number of arguments, redirect_in, redirect_out, pipe_in, etc etc.... eg:

struct com[0].com_name would be : ls
struct com[0].pipe_to = 1 ( 1 means pipe to command 1 )

struct com[1].com_name would be : more

now when i try and pipe the above ( ls | more ), only the 'ls' command is executed and more is not. the execute method is called from the main class eg :

   for (k = 0; k < lc; k++) {

      execute(cl[k], k);

this is my execute method:

// ----------------------------------------------------------

 * This function dumps the contents of the structure to stdout in a human
 * readable format..
 * Arguments :
 *      c - the structure to be displayed.
 *      count - the array position of the structure.
 * Returns :
 *      None.
void execute(command *a, int count) {

  int fd[2];

   int status;
   int pid;
   int command = 0; 

   // redirect out 
   if (a->redirect_out != NULL) {

      int out;
      out = open (a->redirect_out, O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0777);

      if (out <= 0) {

        fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't open a file\n");
        exit (errno);
      dup2 (out, 1);
      close (out);

   // redirect in 
   if (a->redirect_in != NULL) {

      int in;
      in = open (a->redirect_in, O_RDONLY); 

      if (in <= 0) {

	fprintf(stderr, " \n in = %d ", in);

        fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't open a file\n");
        exit (errno);

      dup2 (in, 1);
      close (in);

   // change directory
   if (strncmp (a->com_name, "cd", 2) == 0){ 
      if (!a->argv[1]) 
	 a->argv[1]=(char *) 

      chdir (a->argv[1]);

   // exit
   if (strncmp (a->com_name, "exit" , 4) == 0) {

      fprintf (stdout, "Quit. \n");

   if (a->pipe_to == 1) {


   pid = fork();

   // create a process space 

   if (pid == 0) { 

      // child process 

      if (a->pipe_to == 1) {

      	dup2(fd[0], STDIN_FILENO);
      	execvp(a->com_name, a->argv); // 'more' 
      else {

      	execvp(a->com_name, a->argv);

   else {

      // parent process

      if (a->background == 1) {
         printf(" \nin background ");
         signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); // to ignore child-termination signals
     if (a->pipe_to == 1) {

	dup2(fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
	execvp(a->com_name, a->argv); 'ls'

     // let's wait for the child to finish 
      else {

	 waitpid (pid, NULL, 0);

what i think needs to be done is when the 'ls' command is executed, it should go back to the main program, increase 'k++' (increase command by 1) and go back to the execute method without forking again and execute the command pathname of command which was just increased-> but it doesnt seem to be doing that.

can anyone please help

appreciated, mile 1982