pipe() - Sincronization

Hi guys.
I've a problem with pipes, I'm trying to make a program that can create a child process and they must generate the folowing output:
Ping ... Pong
Ping ... Pong
Ping ... Pong

I want syncronize the output whithout using the semephores, can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance.


#define FFORK 1
#define FPIPE 2
#define FIO 3
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

void error_ (int code, char *message, ...){
fprintf(stderr,"%s \n", message);

int main(int argc, char argv[])
Variable declaration */
int fd_p[2];
int fd_s[2];
int buf = 0;
int WRITE = 1;
int NO_WRITE = 0;
ssize_t io_bytes = 0;
static int j = 0;

/* Main Code*/
\(void\) argc, \(void\) argv;

if ((pipe(fd_s) != 0) || (pipe(fd_p) != 0))
error_(FPIPE,"Pipe Failed!\n");

setvbuf\(stdout,\(char*\) NULL,_IONBF,0\); 
switch \(fork\(\)\)\{
    case -1:
    error_\(FFORK,"Failed Fork!\\n"\);
    case 0 :
    while \(1\)\{
       if \(j == 0\)\{ 
           if \(close\(fd_p[1]\) != 0\)
               error_\(FIO,"Failed Close!\\n"\);
           if \(close\(fd_s[0]\) != 0\)
               error_\(FIO,"Failed Close!\\n"\);
       if \(\(io_bytes = write\(fd\_s[1],&NO_WRITE, sizeof\(int\)\)\) == -1\)
           error_\(FIO,"Failed Write!\\n"\);
       if \(\(io_bytes = read \(fd_p[0], &buf, sizeof\(int\)\)\) == -1\)
           error_\(FIO,"Failed Read"\);
       if \(buf == WRITE\)\{
           if \(\(io_bytes = write\(fd_s[1],&WRITE, sizeof\(int\)\)\) == -1\)
           error_\(FIO,"Failed Write!\\n"\);

    while \(1\)\{
         if \(j==0\)\{
             if \(close\(fd_p[0]\) != 0\)
             error_\(FIO,"Failed Close!\\n"\);
             if \(close\(fd_s[1]\) != 0\)
             error_\(FIO,"Failed Close!\\n"\);
         if \(\(io_bytes = write\(fd\_p[1],&NO_WRITE,sizeof\(int\)\)\) == -1\)
             error_\(FIO,"Failed Write!\\n"\);
         /* Starting the Synchrinization */
         if \(j==0\)
         if \(\(io_bytes = write\(fd_p[1], &WRITE, sizeof\(int\)\)\) == -1\)
             error_\(FIO,"Write Failed!\\n"\);
         buf = NO_WRITE;
             if \(\(io_bytes = read\(fd_s[0], &buf, sizeof\(int\)\)\) == -1\)
             error_\(FIO,"Failed Read!\\n"\);        
         if \(buf==WRITE\)\{
             printf\("Ping... "\);
             if \(\(io_bytes = write\(fd_p[1],&WRITE,sizeof\(int\)\)\) == -1\)
                 error_\(FIO,"Failed Write"\);

return 0;


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