from the data you showed us, but that string does not appear anywhere in the data you showed us.
Are all of the time values in milliseconds? I.e., do you need to extract the string ms , or do you just need the number following time= ? (If you're trying to find a maximum time, it is much easier to get what you want if you are comparing numeric values instead of comparing alphanumeric strings. For example, as a number 11 is greater than 9, but the string "9 ms" is lexically greater than "11 ms".)
Why do you want "74 ms" instead of the "max" entry out of:
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 74.087/74.087/74.087/0.000 ms
i.e., 74.087 ?
Do all of the ping entries you're processing just have one packet transmitted? (I.e., is what you showed us representative data of the input you're trying to process?)
You say you want to extract Facebook from the data you showed us, but that string does not appear anywhere in the data you showed us.
Are all of the time values in milliseconds? I.e., do you need to extract the string ms , or do you just need the number following time= ? (If you're trying to find a maximum time, it is much easier to get what you want if you are comparing numeric values instead of comparing alphanumeric strings. For example, as a number 11 is greater than 9, but the string "9 ms" is lexically greater than "11 ms".)
Why do you want "74 ms" instead of the "max" entry out of:
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 74.087/74.087/74.087/0.000 ms
i.e., 74.087 ?
Do all of the ping entries you're processing just have one packet transmitted? (I.e., is what you showed us representative data of the input you're trying to process?)
What have you tried to solve this problem on your own?