ping -t

I need a script that recieves an IP adress and a number of seconds as arguments. and display a massage if the IP replies or not.

Great to hear that you have needs! By the way, are you asking or telling? How much of the script have you put together already?

ping already does this. theres no need that i am aware of to write a script to do this.

are you under some unique circumstances? please share with us your situation so we can help you further.

first I am asking for a script. and I need it to be run in tcsh shell.
I tried to do one, but I always stuck in endless loop. so please help me.

yes. I need it to be a part of a code that I'm working on.
please reply as soosn as possible.

well first, post the script that you have already written. then we can go from there. very rarely will you find someone who has the time to write out a script for you, especially if you are not willing to write one out on your own. not only that, but it can be insulting asking people to do work for you. were here to help, not to do work for you.

basically, all you would have to do is see the man page for ping.

ping -c $count -t $time_to_live $host_name

so in the script that you are writing, you could first either assign $count whatever value you want, or ask for user input. this argument should be in there otherwise ping will go on for a while. take userinput for the -t flag and store it in $time_to_live

and finally define the $host_name of the machine to be pinged.

to take command line arguments with bash, go to and search for the advanced bash shell scripting guide.

this is not a script palace. If you need assistance in writeing one then post what you have and we can help nudge you along.

please do not expect complete work to be handed over to you on a whim.

well I am sorry if you felt that. and here is the script:

while (1)
echo connected
else echo not connected
ping -t 1 $IP
sleep $SECS