Ping is happening, telnet is not happening

HI all,

Ping is happening to a AIX box...but telnet is not happening...
AIX box doesn't have any conslole...
Please help how to resolve it.

Thanks in advance ..


Why is telnet "not happening"? Do you receive an error message? Do you receive any messages at all? Please provide more information about the particular problems being encountered.

From the small amount of information you've provided it could well be that the telnet daemon isn't running on the target server. Have a look at /etc/inetd.conf on the server (if you have access) and see if the telnetd line is commented out. If it is, there are many good reasons for this - telnet is inherently insecure. Consider using SSH instead (sshd may already be set up on the target box - try ssh'ing into the host instead).



Thanks for the reply...

Server is not having a console now...monitor has got problem...
anyway..did the hard reboot of the server...
