pine username return address

hello all
I am happily using pine but unhappily sending email as
instead of
well, my username on my computer is one thing, but my username on my college account (
here) is different.

what I'm trying to do is use the college server for sending mail,
but when I do that (set up sendmail using mailconf, anyone want to help me out there? it takes about 5 minutes to start sendmail) and set up the user-domain and smtp server in pine, my reply address is not what I want, it's the right server, but the wrong username.
is there some way to send email *as* someone else? would I have to set up a new user with the username I want??? it seems to me that there must be some way of using pine ..........
or is my question about sendmail???
anyway, help!


Setting up different roles should solve your problem.

Open pine then type: S R R or select Setup, Rules, Roles

This will then bring you to the roles screen, you'll then need to press A to add a role.

All you need to set is your nickname, "Set From (your email address)",
"Reply use", "Forward use", "Compose use".
Normally I select "With confirmation" for the use settings.
You may also want to set up a different signature for your different roles.

Press E to confirm your changes then continue adding roles as required.

Andy H