[php] webpage with login & mysql-db

Hi all,

What I was looking for before was a multi-user password manager, web-based! The offer of free or cheap tools of this kind is very pover. Or they are too complex (or too expensive)
I'm not a web programmer but I now decided to set up a (php) website with login and based on this login people can see various passwords.
Maybe the best option is to save all the users+their passwords and the actual passwords in a mysql database and the users can be divided in groups (like programmers, mgnt, admins,...) Based on their group users are redirected to a specific webpage, like mgnt_passwords.php etc...
I would be very pleased if someone could provide me the code for this. This can be very standard code with somehow the same functionality.
What I already have is a container with apache2, php5, mysql installed and an empty mysql database.

Thanks in advance !!

I don't think anyone here is going to write your code for your website (for free), in our forums.

Here, you post the code you have written and folks will help you.

This is not the right place to some looking for others to do your PHP code work for you.

Are you looking for commercial support? Then you should post in the jobs forum.

Otherwise, write your scripts and post them here for help.