PHP Script to search muliplte files Urgent

I have multiplte text files containing numbers e:g

123400 0000001
000001 2333334

I am taking input from html form and passing to php script using post.
I want to search multiple files if input is found then display the line
containing the input.
Thanks in advance.

How much have you done. Have you got any of this in place? You can search for the numbers and display the line easily enough with preg_match

$numbers_to_search = '123400 0000001';
$file_to_search = 'path_to_file';

$numbers_to_search = str_replace(" ", "\s", $numbers_to_search);
if(preg_match_all("/(\r\n|\n|\r).*".$str.".*(\r\n|\n|\r|$)/u", $str, $matches))

Is it always going to be number though. or could it be any text to search. If it could be any text then using a regex might not be so useful. Maybe using the file command would be better