[PHP] Post and get (at the same time (?))

Hi, i'm programming a very tiny website for a friend. But i have some doubts...
I have a page called form.php, it receives a variable using the get method... (form.php?variable_importante=datos)...
In form.php i have a form, and it sends data to form_manager.php using POST method... But the problem is that i need to pass the first variable (the one called variable_importante that was pased to form.php by GET) to form_manager.php... how can i do that??? I've been reading a lot but i could't find the answer....

thanks in advance!!!

I keep on reading and i found the answer!!!
It's really easy to do what i wanted to do...

<form methond='post' action='web_page.php?variable=valor'>

in my specific case

<form methond='post' action='web_page.php?variable= <?php echo $_GET['variable'] ?>' enctype='text'>


Hi Sandia_man,

Thanks for the update on the solution!