PHP help

I'm haveing trouble with my php script.

the second line is giving me trouble.

for ($num = 70; $num < 150 ; $num++) {
	$test = ereg_replace("<","<",str_rot13($temp,$num));
	echo "#$num <BR>" . $test . "<HR>";

I keep getting this error "Warning: str_rot13() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\program.php on line 25"

Any help as to why this is doing happening would be great. I need both var's in there or the answer doesn't come out right.. or I would have just taken it out. If you need me to post all the code let me know.

Thank you.

According to what I'm reading on the man page, the error it's giving is correct. You can only have one parameter for str_rot13 function.

See PHP man page.

Maybe you should add another couple of lines of code to combine the two strings, and then use it for your answer.