PERL uc help

I have a variable ...


when I do uc($server)

server : uc(+ASM1

if i do just $server it's fine .

server : +ASM1

what's wrong with uc ?


Can you post your actual code that prints out this line?


Your question does not make any sense.

oky,I have code like this in a procedure ..

if ( uc($server) eq uc($1) ) {

blah ... blah ....


My $server value is +ASM1.

and $1 value is also : +ASM1

but from the codeline they supposed to match ( I guess) , but they are not ?


Does one have extra spaces or unprintable characters? Try this to start:

print length($1);
print length($server);

The logic is correct:

use warnings;
$foo = '+asm1';
$foo =~ /^(.+)$/;
if (uc($foo) eq uc($1)) {
   print "equal";

The above prints "equal". Maybe you need to chomp() $server or there are other invisible characters in one or both of the scalars you are comparing.