Perl : traceroute error

I am writing a perl code(windows) to traceroute IP address and to print the output.

Could anyone please supply the code.

I had executed the below code which was taken from cpan modules

use Net::Traceroute;
$tr = Net::Traceroute->new(host=> "");
if($tr->found) {
my $hops = $tr->hops;
if($hops > 1) {
print "Router was " .
$tr->hop_query_host($tr->hops - 1, 0) . "\n";

But it is generated as error message

No output from traceroute. Exec failure? at C:/Perl/site/lib/Net/
line 359.

Could anyone please help me in sorting this issue ?

=head1 BUGS

Net::Traceroute parses the output of the system traceroute command.
As such, it may not work on your system.  Support for more traceroute
outputs (e.g. Windows, HPUX) could be done, although currently the
code assumes there is "One true traceroute".

i guess, this module is using the traceroute command output. But in windows, you will be having the command called tracert