perl: Subroutine question

Hi everyone,
I have given up finally trying to find a way to do this.
I have a subroutine called LoginFirst where I am starting a new SSH session.
I have bunch of subroutines, each one of them uses a (or I have to create
a new SSH constructor everytime) ssh connection to get some value so
what I did is use LoginFirst to first start a ssh and then re-use the handle
in all other subroutines but does not seem to be working, can someone please help.

sub LoginFirst {
    my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new (
           host => $self->{ipaddr},
           password=> $self->{Password},
           user => $self->{UserName},
           raw_pty => 1,
           timeout => 10
  return $ssh;

sub DeviceVersion {
      my $newssh = LoginFirst();
      my @commands = ("enable","show version");
      my $commands = join "\n", @commands;
      my $prout = $newssh->exec($commands);
      print " $prout\n";

A quick demo of how to wrap the SSH::Expect object in a class of your own (seems to be what you were doing). You were missing the constructor so I added one, you called the LoginFirst routine with no object, whereas you depend on $self existing in it and you forgot to login :wink:


package  RunRemote;
use strict;
use warnings;

use Net::SSH::Expect;

sub new{
    my $proto=shift;
    my %args=@_;

    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self;
    $self->{ipaddr}    = defined $args{ipaddr}?$args{ipaddr}:"";
    $self->{Password}  = $args{Password};
    $self->{UserName}  = defined $args{UserName}?$args{UserName}:$ENV{USER};
    bless ($self,$class);

sub LoginFirst {
    my $self=shift;
    my $ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new (
           host     => $self->{ipaddr},
           password => $self->{Password},
           user     => $self->{UserName},
           raw_pty  => 1,
           timeout  => 10
  return $ssh;

sub DeviceVersion {
     my $self=shift;
      my $newssh = $self->LoginFirst();
      #my @commands = ("enable","show version");
      my @ commands = @_;
      my $commands = join "\n", @commands;
      my $prout = $newssh->exec($commands);
      print " $prout\n";
package Main;

my $connection=RunRemote->new(Password => "YOUR_PASSWORD");
my $response=$connection->DeviceVersion(("uname -a", "ls"));

Hi Skrynesaver,
Thanks so much, that worked like a charm...