PERL String to Date (Custom format yyyymmdd to dd-mon-yyyy)

Hi All,

I am learning PERL for one of the projects, and in one of these scripts, I read a flat text file and print in the terminal.

The problem is, the text file has a date field. The format is yyyymmdd. I need to display this as dd-mon-yyyy.

Any ideas to do this? Thanks a lot for the help.

Note: I wrongly tagged this as PERL DATE::MANIP. Looks like I need to download and use this. Is it not included in standard distribution. If not, I can't use it to. :frowning:

We can easily do that by using regular expression in Perl.

$line="20091029 Text File";
print "$3-$2-$1";
open FH,"<date_file";
my $full_date = <FH>;
if ( $full_date =~ /^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})/)
        print "$3-$2-$1\n";

consider that the date_file is having the data as
20100305 which is in yyyymmdd format.

Now the above script's print statement will print the output as
05-03-2010 which is in the dd-mm-yyyy format.

You can do this simply by the substitution.

use strict;
use warnings;
open FH , "<test"; # test is the file 
    print $_;

If the regex

means 20100205 to 05-02-2010, then it is wrong. I am looking for 05-FEB-2010.

For this,you can use the hash in your perl program.

$line="20090329 Text File";
print "$3-$hash{$2}-$1";
use strict;

open FH , "<test";

my %hash=("01"=>"JAN","02"=>"FEB","03"=>"MAR","04"=>"APR","05"=>"MAY","06"=>"JUN","07"=>"JUL","08"=>"AUG","09"=>"SEP","10"=>"OCT","11"=>"NOV","12"=>"DEC");

    print $3."-".$hash{$2}."-".$1 ."\n";
 use strict;
use warnings;

my %hash=( 1=> "JAN",
        3 => "MAR",
        4 =>"APR",
        5=> "MAY",
        6 => "JUN",
        7 => "JUL",
        8 => "AUG",
        9 => "SEP",
        10 => "OCT",
        11 => "NOV",
        12 => "DEC"

    my $line="20091029 Text File";
   print "$1 -$hash{$2}- $3";

A simple regex won't suffice, as it won't translate the month number to it's name. Try this:


use strict;
use warnings;

use POSIX qw/strftime/;

my $date = "20100205";
if ( $date =~ /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/ ) {
    print strftime( "%d-%b-%Y", 0, 0, 0, $3, $2, $1 - 1900 );

The POSIX module is part of the base distribution.

Thanks to, Vivek and Karthigayan, for your timely help.