perl string matching problem (two backslash)

I have a few .tex files generated with html2latex. They have some extra \\ that generate error with pdflatex, so I would like to get rid of them.

perl -p -i -e s/\\\\//g myfile.tex

with or without simple or double quote remove all of the backslashes, also the single ones needed by tex.
How do I tell perl to remove them only where there are two backslashes one after the other?

$ cat data.txt
we have one backslash\ here
two here \ but not consecutive \
and two \\ consecutive here
and none here...
$ perl -pi -e 's/\\\\//g' data.txt
$ cat data.txt
we have one backslash\ here
two here \ but not consecutive \
and two  consecutive here
and none here...


this is insane!
I've run the same command many times (at least I thought so).
Never mind, it works as expected.