Perl - start search by using search button or by pressing the enter key

#Build label and text box
       -text => "Input string below:"
        -textvariable => \$text456

        -text => "Search",
        -command =>
            sub {
               errchk ($text456)

The snippet above setups a label, then a box to accept a text based user input. Then a Search button that calls a sub. The way it is written / shown, the search button works as it should. But the search does not execute if I enter text followed by pressing the enter key.

So, the question is, How do I give the user the option to either

input text, then press the enter/return key to begin the search
input text, then press the search button to begin the search ?

Thanks in advance !!

This cannot be all your code, can you post something more complete?

No its not. I suppose I can post the rest, but Ill have to take out all the proprietary stuff ..

The snippet shows the part of the code I refer to .. and where the difficulty resides.

We cannot even tell what modules you're using. You need to post more.

Ok I got side tracked.

I am trying to solve two problems.

The first
When the program starts, I want to have the cursor already placed in the text entry box. Right now I have to click in that box, then enter data.

The second

The user should be able to enter data then hit the return key to execute the search
enter data and press the search key to execute the search.

require Tk;
use Tk;
use strict;

my $text456;

my $main = MainWindow->new();
$main->configure(-title => 'Popeyes Cheap Windows Program',
                 -background => 'blue');

#build separator
my $lin=$main->Frame(-borderwidth=> 8)->pack(-side=>'top');
my $stat=$lin->Label (-width=>40, -height=>0)->pack();
$stat->configure(-text=>"Popeyes Cheap Window Program");

#Build label and text box
       -text => "Enter sumtin below:"
        -textvariable => \$text456,-width=>7, -borderwidth=>6, -relief=>'sunken'

#Setup Search button/execute input check and search. 
        -text => "Search",
        -command =>
          sub {
           errchk ($text456);
           dosearch ($text456);
           }#end sub   

Thanks in advance for the help !!