PERL : Sort substring occurrences in array of strings


My developer is on vacation and I am not sure if there is something which is easier for this.

I have an array of strings. Each string in the array has "%" characters in it. I have to get the string(s) which have the least number of "%" in them.

I know how I can get occurrences :

my @str;
...array population here...
my $count = ($str =~ tr/"%"//);

But I am not sure what is the best way to get the string(s) with least number of "%"'s.

Any advise/help is highly appreciated.


Warning: the following is an example of how (positively) twisted Perl is:

$least = ( sort { my $oa = $a =~ s/(%)/$1/g; my $ob = $b =~ s/(%)/$1/g; $oa <=> $ob } @str )[0];

This will put the string with the least amount of '%' in $least.

perl -le'

@a = qw(
print join $/, 
  map $_->[1], 
    sort { 
      $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] 
      } map [ tr/%//, $_ ], 


% perl -le'

@a = qw(

print join $/,
  map $_->[1],
    sort {
  $a->[0] <=> $b->[0]
  } map [ tr/%//, $_ ],

And yet another -

$ perl -le '@str = qw( %%abc %ab%c% %a%b%c% ab%c ab%%%%%c ab%%c );
            for (@str) {$x=$_; $count=s/%//g; if (!defined $min or $count<$min){$min=$count; $elem=$x}}
            print "\nElement with the least number of % character => ",$elem'
Element with the least number of % character => ab%c


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my post was based on the subject line.
Actually, in this case, the sort could be avoided and your solution is more efficient and appropriate.

Thank to all who responded. :slight_smile:
Appreciate your help.

I have just one issue with the approach given -
As indicated in the original post I need the string(s) (string or strings) having the least number of %'s.

Please advise/suggest on having the list of strings/string which have/has the least number of %'s.

perl -le'
  @str = qw( 
  ab% %%abc %ab%c% %a%b%c% ab%c ab%%%%%c ab%%c 
  do {
    $cnt = tr/%//; push @{$cnt{$cnt}}, $_;
    $min = $cnt unless defined $min and $cnt > $min;
    for @str;  
  print "Element(s) with the least number of % character => ", 
    join ", ", @{$cnt{$min}};


% perl -le'
  @str = qw(
  ab% %%abc %ab%c% %a%b%c% ab%c ab%%%%%c ab%%c

  do {
    $cnt = tr/%//; push @{$cnt{$cnt}}, $_;
    $min = $cnt unless defined $min and $cnt > $min;
    for @str;
  print "Element(s) with the least number of % character => ", join ", ", @{$cnt{$min}};
Element(s) with the least number of % character => ab%, ab%c
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Thanks a TON. :slight_smile:
This helped.