Perl Script

I am trying to read a file using perl script where the first column in the file is the date in format YYYY/MM/DD and I would like to compare each line in the file to the current date and only print the lines that matches the current date.
How do I compare first cloumn to the current system date.

package DateTime::Format::Multi;
use Time::localtime;
use Text::Wrap;
$w = 0;
open (FILE, "error") || die "couldn't open the file!";
$line= $_;
        if ($line =~ /1000-560-40-0/ && $line == (%04d/%02d/%02d))
 print  "$line\n";



cat abc.txt
2009/04/01 xyz
2009/05/01 xyz
2009/06/01 xyz
2009/07/01 xyz
2009/08/01 xyz
2009/11/02 xyz
cat abc.txt | perl -e 'use POSIX qw/strftime/;$curr_date = strftime ("%Y/%m/%d",localtime);while($line = <>){chomp ($line);my ($file_date,undef)= split(" ",$line);print "$line\n" if ($file_date =~ m/$curr_date/);}'

change the seperator in split(" ",$line) with what ever delimiter you are using.


Thank you so much Daptal for ur reply...