Perl Script to produce a file

i got a file called essay which contain few pages with many paragraphs. now i wanna with PERL to produce another file which called Essaylist that contain a sorted list of words that appear in the file essay.

the format for Essaylist:
$word found $times times on page a b c....
where $word is the word appear in the file, $times is the times that the word appear in the file and a b c is the page number that the word appeared.

i did something like that

file = essay

# Nothing has been seen
%seen = ();

# read words from input
while (<$file>)
	while ( /(\w['\w-]*)/g)
		# Increment the counter
		$seen{lc $1}++;

# output hash in a 
foreach $word (sort {  } keys %seen)
	print "$word found $seen{$word} times on pages $page\n";

the code above is not working, so can anyone please help me?

What is the error it is saying for you ?

If it is this error,
syntax error at line 19, near "} keys"

remove off {} in sort function call.

is this a pseudo perl code ???

file = essay ## it should be $file

# Nothing has been seen
%seen = ();

# read words from input 

# where did you open the file ??

while (<$file>)
        ### Missing chomp 
	while ( /(\w['\w-]*)/g)
		# Increment the counter
		$seen{lc $1}++;  

# output hash in a 
foreach $word (sort {  } keys %seen)
	print "$word found $seen{$word} times on pages $page\n";

here is my try

#! /usr/bin/perl

my $file = $ARGV[0] ;
my @LineArray = () ;
my %WordHash = () ;

open(ESSAY,"$file") or die "can not open file for reading : $!\n" ;
   chomp ;
   @LineArray = split (/ \s*/,$_ ) ;
   foreach my $word ( @LineArray )
      $word = lc $word ;
      $WordHash{$word}++ ;

foreach my $word ( sort keys %WordHash )
   print "$word\t$WordHash{$word}\n" ;

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