Perl Script not working on all directories

Hi Folks,

I have a script that I am using. The files are in Directory c:\files\change\options

In that directory I have many other sub folders like R1 R2 R5 E4 etc...

When I run this script in windows, It looks like its just changing the first folder R1 and not the rest.

Can I get an expert please to see why is not working.

I run it like

perl rich-input.txt *

in Cygwin I also tried and same thing. Its just working on one folder

./ rich-input.txt *

Here is the script

use File::Find;
open F,shift or die $!;
my %ip=map/(\S+)\s+(\S+)/,<F>;
close F;
find sub{
  if( -f ){
     local @ARGV=($_);
     local $^I="";
     while( <> ){
/^option\s+domain-name-servers\s.*/ &&  s/([\w.]*\w)\.?/$ip{$1}||($donthave{$1}=$1)/eg;
print "don't have $_ in my input file\n" for values %donthave;
  1. What is the exact requirement?
  2. What do you want to do in "other sub folders like R1 R2 R5 E4 etc"?

I have an input file, I need it to run in present directory and sub directories

The input file have a list of servers with ip addresses

Then it supposed to look for Any files or txt files that contain the bellow in its present directory and sub folders.

Etc.... I have almost 40 of them.

In file foo.txt or dhcp.conf (or any filename) look for this statement

option domain-name server,;

And change to
option domain-name server,;

I think I need this on line 15


Make sence?

---------- Post updated at 09:22 AM ---------- Previous update was at 12:20 AM ----------

Hi folks ... Any comment on above.


---------- Post updated at 11:35 PM ---------- Previous update was at 09:22 AM ----------

As a follow up, I think I may have found out the cause.

The ones that are not changing is showing a tab or spaces on that line. If I backspace to the beginning of the line and rerun it it works.

No my silly question is where in my code above can I compensate for that?

Is line 11 the culprit? If so, would I need to remove the /^ part before option?

Thanks in advance for your help

In which file? - in "rich-input.txt" or in "foo.txt"/"dhcp.conf" etc?


Hi Tyler ,

In response to your question... The contents in the directories. So dhcp.conf and anything else.

Input file is fine. No changes. Just the files/contents in the directories.

Thank you kindly.

In that case, change the following line in your program:

/^option\s+domain-name-servers\s.*/ &&  s/([\w.]*\w)\.?/$ip{$1}||($donthave{$1}=$1)/eg;

to this -

/^\s*option\s+domain-name-servers\s.*/ &&  s/([\w.]*\w)\.?/$ip{$1}||($donthave{$1}=$1)/eg;

It's like saying - if a line in any of my files has 0 or more whitespaces at the beginning, followed by the text I'm looking for ("option..."), then replace the domain name to IP address. Otherwise, push that information in a hash called "donthave", to be displayed later.


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May I confirm my original code line blew up when it saw that space . Hence that was why it did not change.

Thank you agian.. Trying code in a few