Perl script logging via Shell script


I wrote a nice Perl script that is intended to find and copy some files when getting a TERM signal. Now I wanted to make a shell script that starts/restarts the Perl script if it crashes/ends because of errors and make a log of all output the Perl Script gives. The problem is that it won't write any output to my logfile :frowning:
Here is my Shell script:


pidcheck=`pidof perl | grep -c [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]`
while [ $pidcheck -ne 0 ]
        kill -9 `pidof perl`
echo "\n------------------------------\n" >> log.txt
date >> log.txt
echo "\n------------------------------\n" >> log.txt
while [ 1 -eq 1 ]
        `perl >> log.txt`
        echo "Perl-Script crashed, restarting..." >> log.txt

I think it would write if I don't put the `` around `perl >> log.txt`, but then I can't send any signals to my perl script :confused:

Can (maybe) someone help me? ^^' thanks in advance and sorry for my bad english :rolleyes:

doesn't anyone have an idea? :frowning:
pleaaase I need the code within the next 3 days and I really don't know how to get it working (neither does google) :confused: