PERL script help

Hi all

I wrote this, and am very new to PERL. Could someone show me what i might be doing wrong?? Here is my code:


$data1 = <DATA1>;
$data2 = <DATA2>;

while ($data1 || $data2) {
next if !strcmp($data1,$data2);
print "<DATA1";
print ">DATA2";

$data1= <DATA1>;
$data2= <DATA2>;


basically, i am running a ping and putting the results into a file. What I want to do is compare the 2 largest files and annotate the differences (if any)

the error i get is: undefined subroutine &main::strcmp called at <DATA2> chunk1

SO I thought, hmm subroutine. So I tried declaring one before the next if before the { but I received even more errors.

But now I am lost...can anyone provide me some help?



Unlike C, perl does not have a function called strcmp. To compare two strings, you just have to do this:

if($data1==$data2) {
--do whatever you want here--
else {
--do something else here--

strcmp in perl is

if( $data1 eq $data2 ){



Interesting, I sorta found that out, but at first I was using != for not equal. Error city. Anyway, so that is how my script looks. However, all that is output now is


Here is what my script looks like now:


$data1 = <DATA1>;
$data2 = <DATA2>;

while ($data1 || $data2) {
if ($data1 ne $data2) {

else print "&lt;$data1";
      print "&gt;$data2";

$data1= <DATA1>;
$data2= <DATA2>;


Like I said, all i get now is
in a repeating pattern that never ends. Should I put an EOF in there somewhere? Another question is I KNOW the files are different because i made some changes to test them

I know I am overlooking something here...

Thank You for your inputs. :slight_smile:


Your code seems to work for me with slight modifications, but give me some weird results at the end.

Try chomping the lines retrieved first before throwing to while {}, and unlike C/Java you always need the braces for blocks like if-else/for even if the block consists of only one statement. This is likely to work better I think:

chomp( $data1 = <DATA1>);
chomp( $data2 = <DATA2>);
while ($data1 || $data2) {
   if ($data1 ne $data2) {
       print "<$data1\n";
       print ">$data2\n";
   chomp($data1= <DATA1>);
   chomp($data2= <DATA2>);

Thanks!! That works perfectly.

Yes, I am new to similar to C but different at the same time.


In shell, you can use diff instead.

diff is so powerful.

relative cmd like : paste, comm, join ....

thanks, I know. I was doing this on a Windows box. I had the MS SFU loaded but it didnt have diff that i could find.

Trust me that was the first thing that came to my :slight_smile:

There is a diff for windoze. When I type

diff -v

I get

diff - GNU diffutils version 2.7 so there is..

maybe i didnt install it?? or maybe the path is messed up..

anyway. Thanks!! Oh well i guess i needed an excuse to start learning perl anyway since all i have ever used is VBScript :wink:

Sorry; I didn't mean to imply that it comes with windoze. Try this site:\_id=23617&package_id=16423

Instead of Perl, I recommend Ruby.

Here's one way to compare two files using Ruby.

File junk:

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File junk2:

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Well actually Diff does come with the Windows SFU package, I just didnt see it on my work box but it was on my home one. Something different i did I am sure. Anyway, thanks for all the help and I will check out Ruby.

hi. im very new to perl and im learning so much through examples in this forums. i have one question about the code above:


chomp( $data1 = <DATA1>);
chomp( $data2 = <DATA2>);

while ($data1 || $data2) {
if ($data1 ne $data2) {
print "<$data1\n";
print ">$data2\n";

chomp($data1= <DATA1>);
chomp($data2= <DATA2>);



why is it that chomp($data1=<DATA1>); has to be typed before and after the while statement? thank you very much!

One is in the loop; the other is outside the loop. So that we handle the first entry line and all lines thereafter.

I think the program should work without the chomp(). But I customarily do that for mostly everything I read from <>, so that the end-of-line is removed early on for later processing of the line (yeah there's no special reason except to avoid the newlines sticking around everywhere).