Perl Script Hanging


Does anyone know why my Perl script is hanging when i execute it.

print "looking around ...\n";
my ($out, $err, $exit) = $scon->cmd('ls');
print "done";

i get the following error:

channel 1: open confirm rwindow 131043 rmax 32768

I'm using use Net::SSH::W32Perl Module.

My Perl Version is "v5.10.0 Build 1004"

Is that the whole script? You need to assign values to some $scon objects. has examples of how to use this. Spend a few minutes over there.


Here is the full script

use strict;
use Net::SSH::W32Perl;

my $host = '';
my $scon = new Net::SSH::W32Perl($host, (protocol=>'2',port=>'22',debug=>'true'));

print "looking around ...\n";
my ($out, $err, $exit) = $scon->cmd('ls');
print "done";

At a first glance it looks OK. For how long does it hang and are there any noticeable delays when logging in by hand?

Logging in by hand?? I don't know how to change my script to do this. On normal putty it works fine, very quick.

Googling this it seems to be a common problem but without any solution.