Perl script give answers by file


I am new in perl.

I am running a perl installation script, its asking for paths and so many inputs.

Can we provide that info by any file.
so i can avoid the interactive installation.

If you know exactly what questions it will ask, you could put the answers in a file, and then pipe it to the script.

For example:

$ cat myScript
printf "Type y to continue: "
read ans
if [ "$ans" != y ]; then
  echo Exiting.
  exit 0

printf "Type a number: "
read num

printf "Enter the default bin path: "
read path

echo "You entered the number: $num"
echo "You entered the path: $path"

$ cat answers.txt 

$ cat answers.txt | ./myScript
Type y to continue: Type a number: Enter the default bin path: 
You entered the number: 33
You entered the path: /usr/bin

Otherwise, there's always expect.

Assuming that "config.file" contains the answers in the following format:


you can try something like this:

my %config;
open (my $fh, "config.file");
while (chomp(my $line=<$fh>)) {
  my @fields = split /=/, $line;

Then you can access those answers like this:
