Perl Script for reading table format data from file.


i need a perl script which reads the file, content is given below. and output in new file.

 TARGET DRIVE         IO1          IO2         IO3        IO4        IO5
    ------------    ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
    0a.1.8          266            236         179        607        337
    0a.1.7          232            202         147        504        262
    0a.1.13         257            231         175        611        319
    0a.1.12         256            227         168        603        323

i need output in new file in following format.

TARGETDRIVE : 0a.1.8 0a.1.7 ......
IO1 =	266 232 257 256
IO2 =   236 202 231 227
IO3 = 179 147 175 168
so on


$ cat f23
TARGET DRIVE          IO1         IO2         IO3         IO4         IO5
------------    ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
     0a.1.8           266         236         179         607         337
     0a.1.7           232         202         147         504         262
     0a.1.13          257         231         175         611         319
     0a.1.12          256         227         168         603         323
$ perl -lane 'if ($. == 1) {
                push @{$x[0]}, "$F[0]$F[1] :";
                for ($i=2; $i<=$#F; $i++) {push @{$x[$i-1]}, "$F[$i] ="}
              } elsif (!/-/) {
                for ($i=0; $i<=$#F; $i++) {push @{$x[$i]}, $F[$i]}
              END {
                for ($i=0; $i<=$#x; $i++) {print "@{$x[$i]}"}
             ' f23
TARGETDRIVE : 0a.1.8 0a.1.7 0a.1.13 0a.1.12
IO1 = 266 232 257 256
IO2 = 236 202 231 227
IO3 = 179 147 175 168
IO4 = 607 504 611 603
IO5 = 337 262 319 323


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Hi tyler,

i did'nt get your code, can you please explain,


It simply creates and prints an array, each element of which is a reference to an array of columnar data.


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