Perl question

Hi All,
I am new to Perl and got a real stupid question. We are trying to install the Date:Calc package for some calculations with dates.The security guys mentioned they won't install it as root in /usr/bin/perl but have asked us to install it in any directory and use it from there.

Here's the sample program that I created to test this scenario.But I am getting an error.Any help will be appreciated.

(rk3388) mpdev1=> ./
Can't locate Date/ in @INC (@INC contains: /home/ss1880/Date-Calc-6.3/li.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 4.
use lib '/home/ss1880/Date-Calc-6.3/lib/Date/';
use Date::Calc;
my @today = (localtime)[5,4,3];
$today[0] += 1900;

my @birthday = (1980, 4, 3);

my $days = Delta_Days(@birthday, @today);

print "I am $days days old\n";

exit 0;

Assuming that you have installed the module in /home/ss1880/Date-Calc-6.3/lib/ , try replacing

use lib '/home/ss1880/Date-Calc-6.3/lib/Date/';


use lib '/home/ss1880/Date-Calc-6.3/lib/';


Assuming the path to the module is /home/ss1880/Date-Calc-6.3/lib/Date/

use lib '/home/ss1880/Date-Calc-6.3/lib/';