Perl Question

Hello all,

I have the following line:


And i insert the values in an array. I am trying to find out if the field[3] of the array (where field[3]=xxx.xx) has the '.' character.
I am using the code below but it doesn't seem to work.

if($field[3]=~ /./)
print("FOUND MMS****************************");

It seems that it founds the '.' even if it does not exists.
Any help?

Best regards,

The period in a regular expression is a wildcard--it matches any character.
I think you can escape it though. Try: ~/\./


Dot(.) is an regex wild card character, which is used to match single char in regex. You have to escape (.) using (\.) then only it will match like

if($field[3]=~ /\./)
print("FOUND MMS****************************");

alternative, without regex

$string = "xxx|xxxx|xxxx||xxx";
@array = split /\|/ , $string;
if ( (index  $array[3], "." ) ==-1) {
 print "No dot";