PERL, push to hash of array problem

$key = "a";
$value = "hello";
%myhash = {} ;
push @{ myHash{$key} }, $hello;
print $myHash{$key}[0]."\n";

this script prints
"hello" but has following error message.

Reference found where even-sized list expected at ./test line 5.

can any one help me to fix this problem??

You're trying to assign a reference to a hash to a hash variable itself. Try it as

%myhash = ();

That, and the push line should rather be written as

push @{ $myHash{$key} }, $hello;

You're trying to assign a reference to a hash to a hash variable itself. Try it as

%myhash = ();

That, and the push line should rather be written as

push @{ $myHash{$key} }, $hello;

First off you don't have $hello set to anything, you have $value = "hello" -- not the same.

You should:

use strict;
use warnings;

and all would be reveled.


use strict;
use warnings;

my $key = "a";
my $value = "hello";
my %myhash;

push @{ $myhash{$key} }, $value;

print "$myhash{$key}[0]\n"

also see: perldoc perldsc