perl newb issue

This program is supposed to print the date to a file and then the data it parses out of access.log and instead prints out the data it parses, and then the date. Sry, I've been playing with perl for , oh say, three days now.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use diagnostics;

#This file parses out squids access log for address bar entries to see where users purposefully go


#The counter is set to the max ipadress +1
while ( $counter <= 14 ) {

#Print the date to each file we're writing to
        open(LOGF,">>",$logpath . $ip);
                print LOGF "$date\n";
        close LOGF;

#Grab the access log and go through it, splitting each line into elements of the array
        open(INFILE,"/var/log/squid/access.log") or die "Can't open /var/log/squid/access.log: $!";
                while ( <INFILE> ) {
                        @array = split(" ",);

#Only grab things associated with the current searched for ip and ends with .com .net and so on

                        if (($array[7] =~ /[com|org|net|gov|cc|mil]\/$/)&&($array[3] eq $ip)) {

#Write it to the log file

                                open(LOGF,">>",$logpath . $ip) or die "Can't open $logpath$ip: $!";
                                        print LOGF "$ip  \: $array[0] $array[7]\n";
close LOGF;

I open one file, write to it, close it and then run my loop, but it seems to do this backwards. Anyone?

You are always appending, apparently? ">>", so is it new data? Perl Tutorial - Open You might just leave the output open until the end. Are you sure the field you want is in [7]? Try logging the whole array 0-length-1 as a debug message.