Perl Module Help

Hi All,
I am using a perl module Win32::AdminMisc in my perl script.
When i running in activestate perl v5.10.0 it shows folling error ---
Can't locate loadable object for module Win32::AdminMisc in @INC (@INC contains: C:/Perl/site/lib C:/Perl/lib .) at

Please reply.

Thanks and Regards

Have you installed the module? In not, use CPAN or the ActiveState front-end to install it.

If it's installed, your @INC is wrong. I'm not directly familiar with ActiveState Perl so I can't tell you what it should be. Do you have the file auto\Win32\AdminMisc.dll somewhere on your system? If so, add the directory containing that, perhaps with Perl's -I (upper case i) option.

A quick google search found a lot of problems with that module. This thread on perlmonks might (or might not) be useful:

Win32::AdminMisc for ActiveState Perl 5.8.0 binary, anyone?

Ya i have where to install AdminMisc.dll.

The thread on PerlMonks which KevinADC linked to suggests that you might be better off if you could avoid using this module.

Still no luck i m trying with 5.8 .. Plz give me some brief idea...

I have no idea except to contant Dave Roth or whoever the contact person is for that module.

Concur, and repeat: if you really really have to have this module, it's not going to be trivial to make it work. If at all possible, seek a different path to accomplish what you want.