Perl 'join' command

Having an odd behavior of using 'join' to print an array. I want to use a semi-colon as the separator, but
it keeps outputting a comma.
print (join "; ",@Keywords);
Architecture,Engineering,Environment,3D Printing,Housing

@Keywords is created from a web-based form using the CGI module:
Current keywords are presented in a select list and the user can choose multiple keywords:
<select name="keywords" id="keywords" multiple>

But it seems that CGI.param is placing them in @Keywords in an odd format. Thus my attempt to 'join' them does not work. I would appreciate some assistance or advice if possible.

I'm away from my keyboard because I'm eating supper. So I can't test this myself. Did you try '; ' or q(\;)?

Hello and thank you for the reply. Yes, tried both with no joy. I believe it is a result of how CGI saves data. I understand it should save multiple select box choices into an array:
But whatever I try to get the semi-colon in fails. Going to fiddle some more. seems to be saving data to a single element of keywords separated by a comma.
for $kw(@Keywords) {
print qq{-->$kw<--};
results in
-->Architecture,Engineering,Environment,3D Printing,Housing<--
This is from a select box with 'multiple="multiple". So I am stumped as to why. Perhaps an updated Or can I massage that data into an array that I can work with?

My bad. I was not assigning a string variable to the join command but using it thus:
print (join "; ",@Keywords);
which wasn't working.

Simply adding
$jKeywords=join("; ",@Keywords);
print "<i>$jKeywords</i><br/>\n";
worked as expected. Apologies for the rabbit hole.