Perl Help

Hi All,

I have the following script and I need to add more functionality to it -

use strict;
use warnings;
my $res;
my @names;
while ( $res = <DATA> ) {
push @names, ( $res =~ m{^".+apps.*"\s*=\s*"(.+)"} );
print "$_\n" for @names;
"_exp" = "81652254";
"apps" = {
"AcctInfoapps" = "";
"StatContentapps" = "";
"ContappsB2B" = "";
"CommQandAStatisticapps" = "";
"SerialNberapps" = "";

1)Append the uri cgi-bin/jboss/apps.joa/health?method=checkurl to each of the urls (from 1)

2) print/echo appname ( e.g. SerialNberapps )and again run LWP(wget,curl) against each url from 2.

Can you help in modifying the existing script so it does the above two?


$ cat -n
     1  #!perl
     2  use strict;
     3  use warnings;
     4  my $append = "/cgi-bin/jboss/apps.joa/health?method=checkurl";
     5  my %x;
     6  while (<DATA>) {
     7    /^"(.+apps.*)"\s*=\s*"(.+)"/ and $x{$1} = "\"$2$append\"";
     8  }
     9  while (my ($key, $value) = each %x) {
    10    print "Appname : $key\n";
    11    print "curl $value\n";
    12    # If you want to actually invoke curl, then uncomment the line below
    13    # system("curl $value");
    14  }
    15  __DATA__
    16  {
    17  "_exp" = "81652254";
    18  "apps" = {
    19  "AcctInfoapps" = "";
    20  "StatContentapps" = "";
    21  "ContappsB2B" = "";
    22  "CommQandAStatisticapps" = "";
    23  "SerialNberapps" = "";
    24  };
    25  }
$ perl
Appname : CommQandAStatisticapps
curl ""
Appname : ContappsB2B
curl ""
Appname : StatContentapps
curl ""
Appname : SerialNberapps
curl ""
Appname : AcctInfoapps
curl ""


Thanks Tyler, it works great!!

One change I want though here is that instead of appending to the whole URL it should append to http://...:port

SO the output I want is -

instead of -


$ cat -n
     1  #!perl
     2  use strict;
     3  use warnings;
     4  my $append = "cgi-bin/jboss/apps.joa/health?method=checkurl";
     5  my %x;
     6  while (<DATA>) {
     7    m{^"(.+apps.*)"\s*=\s*"(http://.*?/).*"} and $x{$1} = "\"$2$append\"";
     8  }
     9  while (my ($key, $value) = each %x) {
    10    print "Appname : $key\n";
    11    print "curl $value\n";
    12    # If you want to actually invoke curl, then uncomment the line below
    13    # system("curl $value");
    14  }
    15  __DATA__
    16  {
    17  "_exp" = "81652254";
    18  "apps" = {
    19  "AcctInfoapps" = "";
    20  "StatContentapps" = "";
    21  "ContappsB2B" = "";
    22  "CommQandAStatisticapps" = "";
    23  "SerialNberapps" = "";
    24  };
    25  }
$ perl
Appname : CommQandAStatisticapps
curl ""
Appname : ContappsB2B
curl ""
Appname : StatContentapps
curl ""
Appname : SerialNberapps
curl ""
Appname : AcctInfoapps
curl ""


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Thanks Tyler

Your the man!!:b:

Can you explain a little about this line -

m{^"(.+apps.*)"\s*=\s*"(http://.*?/).*"} and $x{$1} = "\"$2$append\"";

specially "\"$2...

perlre -

Each ( ) pair creates a backreference that can later be accessed (until next regex) using $1, $2, $3 ... $n. So, the first ^"(.+apps.*)"\s*= captures everything after the first double-quotes until before the last double-quotes, that which comes before zero or more amount of spaces and literal =. After that again the undetermined amount of spaces and single double-quotes. After that it practically the same thing with the URI as it was with the "key", except that he uses .*? to make * ungreedy in the capture. Without ungreedy matching more than the hostname would have been captured.

Using and is a short-hand so he doesn't have to wrap the m{} in an if-block. In $x{$1} he's using the first backreference as key in the hash, and "\"$2$append\"" means interpolating two values, $2 (2nd backreference) and $append into a single string surrounded by double-quotes.

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In addition to the explanation posted above, I'd like to add that this -

$x{$1} = "\"$2$append\"";

was done so that the value of each hash key would be of the form


instead of


That's because I wasn't sure if the URL in the curl invocation requires double-quotes. If it doesn't, i.e. if the following works -

curl http://someURL

then you could change the code to -

$x{$1} = "$2$append";


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