Perl Help

A part of the log reads as follows

E err:1242 01/12/2009 connectivity error
the database connection failed.
number of field entries allocated 20, used 1
DBName=Oracle10g ErrorNumber=10
E err:1892 01/12/2009 connectivity error
the database connection failed.
number of field entries allocated 20, used 2
DBName=Oracle10g ErrorNumber=32

Here 'E' refers Error.
i want a perl script that displays only the first error message.. that is the first part of error message (lines till next E).

sample output..
E err:1242 01/12/2009 connectivity error
the database connection failed.
number of field entries allocated 20, used 1
DBName=Oracle10g ErrorNumber=10

I tried like this
foreach $lines (@raw_data){
if($lines=~m/^E /){
print "$lines";
This perl script displaying only the first line
E err:1242 01/12/2009 connectivity error

and the remaining lines are not displayed.
Can u suggest a solution for this..

One way to do it with Perl:

$ cat -n f9
     1  E err:1242 01/12/2009 connectivity error
     2  the database connection failed.
     3  number of field entries allocated 20, used 1
     4  DBName=Oracle10g ErrorNumber=10
     5  E err:1892 01/12/2009 connectivity error
     6  the database connection failed.
     7  number of field entries allocated 20, used 2
     8  DBName=Oracle10g ErrorNumber=32
$ perl -lne 'if (/^E/ && !defined $x){$x=1} elsif (/^E/ && $x==1){$x=0} print if $x==1' f9
E err:1242 01/12/2009 connectivity error
the database connection failed.
number of field entries allocated 20, used 1
DBName=Oracle10g ErrorNumber=10


If i want to display the second part of the error , should i have to repeat the statement?
A perl script would be greatly appreciated.

If you understood the Perl one-liner completely, then it shouldn't be difficult for you to tweak it so as to display the second part of the error.
I shall leave that as an exercise for you.


as long as your file is not big, can try below.

otherwise, choose some CPAN module which support regexp $/;

local $/;
my $str=<DATA>;
my @tmp = split(/(?<=\n)(?=E)/,$str);
print $tmp[0];
E err:1242 01/12/2009 connectivity error
the database connection failed.
number of field entries allocated 20, used 1
DBName=Oracle10g ErrorNumber=10
E err:1892 01/12/2009 connectivity error
the database connection failed.
number of field entries allocated 20, used 2
DBName=Oracle10g ErrorNumber=32