PERL - getting last file using wild cards

Hi experts,
I am new to perl.
I am trying to get the last file from set of files.
Using the below code; but getting error
pls help


-rw-r--r--   1 abc    abc      12584 Mar 18 16:22 /abc/def/ghi/xyz.HOSTNAME.2016.
-rw-r--r--   1 abc    abc      12623 Mar 18 16:25 /abc/def/ghi/xyz.HOSTNAME.2016.
-rw-r--r--   1 abc    abc      12623 Mar 18 16:27 /abc/def/ghi/xyz.HOSTNAME.2016.


$file = `ls -1rt /abc/def/ghi/xyz.${`hostname`}.2???.??.??.??.??.* | tail -1` ;
chomp($outfile = $file) ;
 print "THE OUTFILE IS ......................... $outfile\n";


/abc/def/ghi/xyz.HOSTNAME: No such file or directory
sh: line 2: .2???.??.??.??.??.*: not found
THE OUTFILE IS .........................


$file = `ls -1rt /abc/def/ghi/xyz.\$(hostname).2???.??.??.??.??.* | tail -1` ;
chomp($outfile = $file) ;
 print "THE OUTFILE IS ......................... $outfile\n";
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my $pattern = "/abc/def/ghi/xyz.$ENV{HOSTNAME}.2???.??.??.??.??.*";
my ($file) = qx{ls -t $pattern};
print "THE OUTFILE IS ......................... $file";
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A more perl-ish way:

my @files = glob "/abc/def/ghi/xyz.HOSTNAME.2016*";
my @sort_files = sort { -M $a <=> -M $b } @files;

print "The OUTFILE is ... $sort_files[-1]\n";

Wouldn't be $sort_files[0] ?

my ($files) = sort {-M $a <=> -M $b } glob "/abc/def/ghi/xyz.$ENV{HOSTNAME}.2???.??.??.??.??.*";
print "THE OUTFILE IS ......................... $file";