Perl development Kit

Can any please give information abount any perl development tools that i can install in Sun Solaris 10.
Is Active State provide any perl IDE for Solaris?

I know two things ( I wish I knew more :o ) :

  1. Eclipse is available for Sparc (see Eclipse Project)
  2. Eclipse has an IDE environment for Perl that I've used on Windows.

Whether number 2 works with number 1 is an exercise for the reader and Google, in tandem. :slight_smile: Hopefully it does...

I liked using Perl in Eclipse' IDE but- and this was 6 months ago- it still needed more work.

"Sun Solaris

Starting from Solaris 8 Perl 5 ships standard with Solaris. (Perl 5.005_03 with Solaris 8 (SunOS 5.8), SunOS 5.9 ("Solaris 9") includes Perl 5.6.1, SunOS 5.10 ("Solaris 10") includes Perl 5.8.4 (plus a lot of perl5-porters patches)"

I'm quoting from HERE which is where you can download it as well

The original poster was looking for a "development kit", as in an IDE for Perl. This is different than the Perl distribution which I assume they already have.