perl code

What is the meaning of below code, which is capturing from one file .

$runDate = $1 if $str =~ m/,"TransactTime":"([^"]{10})/; # get transaction date as run date

Is it the date from the first line of file or last line of file??? (Note:Each line from the file contains date)

Hi aish11,

As I understand, it is the date of each line of the file. $1 is the content between parentheses when the regular expression matches.

Hi aish11,
do you have a per-line loop around this like "while(<>)" or one the command line parameter "-n" or "-p" ?
In this case the variable $runDate gets updated in each line. Is it used later ?

If the input is treated as a whole, then $runDate would contain the first date
that appears in the file.