PERL: clearing the screen

I would like to clear the screen in perl scripts without having to use system(). Is there a way to do this?

Yes, but why would you want to?

Anyway, see the link for different commands already done (including clear).

Perl - unix reconsruction project

I was hoping there would be a backslash option so I would not have to resort to brute force. Oh well, I'll work with what's available.

you dont have to do system(clear) you can also just do `clear` but either way i dont see how this is brute force.

One of the suggestions in the link was:

That's what I meant when I said brute force. Additionally, I am working on a windows platform. Sorry for the confusion.

then use the `cls` or system(cls) commands.

See the man page

man perlfaq8

and search it for clear.

ahhh i feel like im in #perl heh..

good referance.