perl check email script not seeing attachment

The following script does pull the sender and Subject of the email but it is not seeing the attachment name. I know there is an attachment.

I line in red SHOULD pull the filename out.

this line is in the message:

Content-Disposition: attachment;   filename="Picture 243.jpg"

use Mail::POP3Client;

  $pop = new Mail::POP3Client( USER     => "someusername",
                               PASSWORD => "somepasswot",
                               HOST     => "" ) || die "Error";
    print "Messages:".$pop->Count()."\n";
  for ($i = 1; $i <= $pop->Count(); $i++) {
    foreach ( $pop->HeadAndBody( $i ) ) {
      #/^(From|Subject):\s+/i and print $_, "\n";
    /^From:\s+/i and @from = split(/:/);
    /^Subject:\s+/i and @subject = split(/:/);
    /^Content-Disposition: attachment;\s+/i and @filename = split(/=/);
    print "From: $from[1]\n";    
    print "Subject: $subject[1]\n";
    print "Attachement: $filename[1]\n";
    print ;
    print "\n*************************************************\n";

Nothing obviously wrong at first glance! I'd suggest running it through the debugger and checking the accuracy of the regex.