Perl: Better way to match string within a string


I'm trying to get one field out of many as follows:

A string of multiple fields separated with "/" characters:

I want to pick up the field "" which has no regular pattern except it starts with "ef=xxxx" and ends to a "/"

I wrote a little script to get it, but I'm just wondering if there is some better way of doing this(using Perl):

$ ./
Unwated beginning: /ab=12/cd=34/12=ab/34=cd/
Unwated ending: /gh=blah/ij=something/
Wanted string:

Using this code:


my($text) = "/ab=12/cd=34/12=ab/34=cd/";
my($prefix,$string,$postfix) = $text =~ m/(.*\/)(ef.*?)(\/.*)$/;
print "Unwated beginning: $prefix\n";
print "Unwated ending: $postfix\n";
$string =~ s/ef=//g;
print "Wanted string: $string\n";

If I understand correctly:

$ perl -le'
   $s = "/ab=12/cd=34/12=ab/34=cd/";
   print $s =~ m|ef=(.*?)/|;

the pattern to use is:

my $text = "/ab=12/cd=34/12=ab/34=cd/";
my ($ef) = $text =~ m|/ef=([^/]+)/|;
print $ef;

Late thanks for your replies guys :slight_smile: works fine!
