Perl array / json

Hi All

I have used the below code to print the dumper of a json


use LWP::Simple;                
use JSON qw( decode_json );     
use Data::Dumper;               
use strict;                     
use warnings;

my (%list);                 

my $trendsurl = "http://sensu:4567/events";

my $json = get( $trendsurl );
die "Could not get $trendsurl!" unless defined $json;

my $decoded_json = decode_json( $json );

print Dumper $decoded_json;

which gives me the following

$VAR1 = [                                                                                                                                                                                           
            'client' => 'es1.',                                                                                                                                                            
            'flapping' => bless( do{\(my $o = 0)}, 'JSON::XS::Boolean' ),
            'check' => 'disk_usage',
            'occurrences' => 2160,
            'issued' => 1371466494,
            'status' => 1,
            'handlers' => [
            'output' => ' OK
WARNING: will run out of space in 10 days at current rate OK
            'client' => 'graphite1.',
            'flapping' => $VAR1->[0]{'flapping'},
            'check' => 'disk_usage',
            'occurrences' => 7028,
            'issued' => 1371466494,
            'status' => 1,
            'handlers' => [
            'output' => ' OK OK
WARNING: will run out of space in 12 days at current rate

I am now stuck in how to use that data, i want to extract the client and the Warning


client' => 'graphite1.
WARNING: fee will run out of space in 12 days at current rate

any pointers would be great


The decoded_json structure is an array of hashes.
So you could treat it as follows.

for my $test (@{$decoded_json}){ # dereference the structure to an array
  print "$test->{client}\n";
  print "$test->{output}\n"; # using -> to dereference the referenced hash


but using the output gives loads of extra info, i, e OK OK
WARNING: will run out of space in 12 days at current rate

i just want the but after the warning? is this doable??

You could extract the WARNING lines from the output as follows

my @lines_out= split/\n/,$test->{output};
for $line (@lines_out){
   print $1 if $line=~/(WARNING:.+)$/;

Thanks for all the help

last question ( i hope)

I have the following working

for my $w (@$decoded_json) {
printf "%-12s %-25s",  $w->{client}, $w->{check} if $w->{status} == 1 ;
printf "%-12s %-25s",  $w->{client}, $w->{check} if $w->{status} == 2 ;

i want to put a title abve the status one called "warning" and "critical" above the status 2. but i want it only about the first one of each section

hope that makes scene



No, it does not make sense.

Your "printf" statements do not have newlines. Hence, all output will be on one long line. All output for status = 1 as well as status = 2 will be on one long line.

Since outputs per status are not separated, there is no way to add a title "above" a particular status. You can, however, put a title either above or below the long output line that your program prints. I believe that's not what you want.

You may want to post some sample input and corresponding sample output so that your problem is clearer to understand.