Perl array grep


I have the following array.

@a=( ["1","2"],["3","4"]);

and want to

push @a,(["5","6"])

if the 6 is not in the $a[0 .. $#a][1].

This is simplified out of a longer script but im trying for days now and get sick of it.

Can any of you help me on this.


There might be better ways - this is the first that came to mind.

map { grep(/6/, @$_) and $got=1 } @a;
push @a, (["6","6"]) unless $got;

Using a loop rather than map would allow you to break out of the loop as soon
as you see a 6, which might be more efficienti for a big array or a compilcated regexp.

foreach (@a){
   grep(/6/, @$_) and $got = 1 and last;