Perl - Append data to existing excel cell

Hello All,

I have the following code in PERL to write data to excel sheet.

Can someone please help me about how to append data to an exisitng cell?

For ex in the below given case,Cell 1,1 has Active State PERL

Now I want to add a new line like "prorgamming" without overwritting the existing content.

Is there a way to do it?

my $workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($FileName);
## Add a worksheet
my $worksheet1 = $workbook->add_worksheet('PERL');
## Define the format and add it to the worksheet
my $format = $workbook->add_format(
#center_across => 1,
bold => 1,
size => 10,
border => 4,
color => 'black',
bg_color => 'cyan',
border_color => 'black',
align => 'vcenter',
## Change width for only first column
my $failcolor= $workbook->add_format(
bold => 1,
size => 10,
border => 4,
color => 'red',
border_color => 'black',
align => 'vcenter',

# Write a formatted and unformatted string, row and column
# notation.
$worksheet1->write(0,0, "PERL FLAVOURS",$format);
$worksheet1->write(1,1,"Active State PERL",$failcolor);
$worksheet1->write(2,0,"Strawberry PERL");
$worksheet1->write(3,0,"Vennila PERL");

I see no way. It must create the file on-the-fly... Assemble your data first, create the spreadsheet when you're finished, no sooner.

Yes.I though of that.

the constraint for me is that I have to print multicolour text inside the same line.

Like "The process has started but results breach threshold-failed"

If we construct all the content and print in one go then I think we can have only one color/format

There appear to be methods for VB macros to do multi-colored text in one cell, but don't think it's supported by WriteExcel