Perl and sending file to server


I am trying to write some test code for bigger project where my perl script will send file over to server. This is the current SERVER and CLIENT code I have so far. When I type "hi" from client I get hello back from server and like wise I send send command I get respond back the problem comes when I type "put <filename>" on client, the file transfer finishes but I get ERROR in client "Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at ./ line 43."

Any help in debugging this issue would be highly appreciated.



use strict;
use IO::Socket;

my $filename;

my @command;
my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(
    Listen => 5,
    LocalAddr => '',
    LocalPort => 5050,
    Proto     => 'tcp'
) or die "Can't create server socket: $!";
while(my $client = $server->accept)
   while (<$client>)
	print $_ ;
	@command = split(/ /, $_);
      if(lc(trim($command[0])) eq 'time')   { print $client &getTimeStamp()."\r\n"; }
      elsif(lc(trim($command[0])) eq 'hi')  { print $client "Hello!\r\n"; }
      ## if honeypot has some data to send
      elsif(lc(trim($command[0])) eq 'send') 
      		print $client "You said to send some data\r\n";
      ## if we see put command then save the file
      elsif(lc(trim($command[0])) eq 'put')
      	if(defined($command[1]) && -e trim($command[1]))
      		$filename = trim($command[1]);
      		print $client "GOAHEAD\r\n";
      		open FILE, ">./filez_t/$filename";
            binmode FILE;
            while (<$client>)
                if (trim($_) eq 'DONE')
                	close FILE;
                print FILE $_;
            close FILE;
 			print $client "Thanks for sending the file\n"
      else { print $client "Unknown Command\r\n"; }

sub getTimeStamp
   # Get the all the values for current time
   (my $Second, my $Minute, my $Hour, my $Day, my $Month, my $Year, my $WeekDay, my $DayOfYear, my $IsDST) = localtime(time);
   # adding 1900 will create a four digit year value
   $Year = $Year - 100;
   # Adding 1 to month because months don't start at 0
   #format the current time into the correct format and return it
   return sprintf("%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",$Year,$Month,$Day,$Hour,$Minute,$Second);
sub trim($)
	my $string = shift;
	$string =~ s/^\s+//;
	$string =~ s/\s+$//;
        $string =~ s/[\r]+//;
        $string =~ s/[\n]+//;
	return $string;


use strict;
use IO::Socket;
my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new(
    PeerAddr => '',
    PeerPort => 5050,
    Proto    => 'tcp'
) or die "Can't create client socket: $!";
my $i = 0;
my $msg;
my @command;
my $filename="";

   print "ASAP> ";
   $msg = <STDIN>;
   print $server $msg."\r";
      @command = split(/ /, $msg);
      if(lc(trim($command[0])) eq 'put')
		$filename = trim($command[1]);
            open FILE, "$filename" or die "Can't open: $!";
            binmode FILE;
            while (<FILE>)
               print $server $_;
		print "*";
            close FILE;
            print $server "\nDONE\n";
      		print $_ ."\n";
		last if eof($_);
sub trim($)
	my $string = shift;
	$string =~ s/^\s+//;
	$string =~ s/\s+$//;
        $string =~ s/[\r]+//;
        $string =~ s/[\n]+//;
	return $string;

While this is a lot of work, and lots of good code, it smells like homework.