PERL: an OR inside an IF .. im stuck

Hi all,

I basically have an if statement that says if you have more than 5 changes you need to have the force flag set to 1 to proceed. like this

if ((($Changes > 5) && ($force ==  1)) || (($nChanges > 0) && ($Changes < 6))) {

I now need to allow the force flag to be either 1 or 2 to proceed

could somebody advise me how i can go about making the $force bit highlighted above 1 or 2


&& ($force == 1 or 2))

ive tried a series of combinations but i just cant seem to find something that works hence posting here.

any help would be great

( $force == 1 || $force == 2 ) 

something like this, am not sure ? :confused:

thanks for that (apologies for the basic question)